He is now in Seoul and has a companion from Arizona. They are having some great success and even have a baptism this week and many more prospects. According to his last email, "the work is EXPLODING, in a good way!". I am going to be better at updating this, I promise!! But for now, here are some pictures that Reagan has sent us in the last little while for you all to enjoy!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Long Overdue Update!!!
Well everyone, this is Reagan's sister Casey. I'm so sorry that I have been so terrible at updating this blog! Reagan has now been out for almost 9 months and in Korea for almost 6 months. He is loving every minute of it! He is now in his 2nd area, Seoul, South Korea. His first area was a place called Gimpo, which was about 20 miles south of the North Korean border/DMZ, with his first 2 companions. Both of which were both from Korea, so he got a great start into the language as soon as he got there.
He is now in Seoul and has a companion from Arizona. They are having some great success and even have a baptism this week and many more prospects. According to his last email, "the work is EXPLODING, in a good way!". I am going to be better at updating this, I promise!! But for now, here are some pictures that Reagan has sent us in the last little while for you all to enjoy!
He is now in Seoul and has a companion from Arizona. They are having some great success and even have a baptism this week and many more prospects. According to his last email, "the work is EXPLODING, in a good way!". I am going to be better at updating this, I promise!! But for now, here are some pictures that Reagan has sent us in the last little while for you all to enjoy!
Friday, March 13, 2009
"It's Kinda Like Kissing..."
Well, we were able to get another letter from Reagan today. It sounds like he's still loving the MTC life and his mission. He wants everyone to know that he can recieve emails at reaganjwing@myldsmail.net, but can only write emails to one family member and then print off the rest of his emails and write letters back. You can also write to him through DearElder.com using his mailing address and he will usually get them the next day. And that is really what he would love! He really wants letters!!!!
Anyways, Reagan loves his district and his companion, Elder Hoffman, is the DL. They all get along really great and you can tell that he has already made some amazing lifelong friends. One of the elders, Elder Callister, is learning the language very fast so Reagan and the other elders lovingly call him "The Professer".
There are currently 44 missionaries in the MTC that are going to Korea. The group that came in with Reagan was very small, only 11 of them. So that means that in 2 1/2 weeks, the 33 missionaries that were there before Reagan will all be leaving and they will be alone for a few days until the new wave of missionaries get there.
For those of you that really know Reagan, you will just shake your head and laugh at this. And the rest of you will just laugh. I'm just gonna type it word for word cause I won't be able to say it like him.
" The food here is actually pretty good. Everyone that says its nasty is lying. I've decided the food is like kissing, when it's good its REALLY good, and when it's bad it's still pretty good haha..."
Only Reagan!! His teachers are both students at BYU and he loves them both. "They know so much and teach it to us so well." Their classroom is on the 5th floor of the main teaching building so that means they have to walk up 5 flights of stairs going to and from class at least 3 times a day. One of the elders calculated that during the time that they are they are going to walk up approx. 27,000 stairs!!!
He's having a blast and has learned so much in just the little time that he has been there. We are so proud him and all that he accomplished so far!!! If you need any info for letters or whatnot, make sure to let us know!!
Anyways, Reagan loves his district and his companion, Elder Hoffman, is the DL. They all get along really great and you can tell that he has already made some amazing lifelong friends. One of the elders, Elder Callister, is learning the language very fast so Reagan and the other elders lovingly call him "The Professer".
There are currently 44 missionaries in the MTC that are going to Korea. The group that came in with Reagan was very small, only 11 of them. So that means that in 2 1/2 weeks, the 33 missionaries that were there before Reagan will all be leaving and they will be alone for a few days until the new wave of missionaries get there.
For those of you that really know Reagan, you will just shake your head and laugh at this. And the rest of you will just laugh. I'm just gonna type it word for word cause I won't be able to say it like him.
" The food here is actually pretty good. Everyone that says its nasty is lying. I've decided the food is like kissing, when it's good its REALLY good, and when it's bad it's still pretty good haha..."
Only Reagan!! His teachers are both students at BYU and he loves them both. "They know so much and teach it to us so well." Their classroom is on the 5th floor of the main teaching building so that means they have to walk up 5 flights of stairs going to and from class at least 3 times a day. One of the elders calculated that during the time that they are they are going to walk up approx. 27,000 stairs!!!
He's having a blast and has learned so much in just the little time that he has been there. We are so proud him and all that he accomplished so far!!! If you need any info for letters or whatnot, make sure to let us know!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Today we received Reagsn first letter. He loves the MTC. "It's a big place but it's really easy to navigate" On friday he learned the Korean Alphabet. "I can now read and write in Korean. I don't know what any of it means yet but I can read it and speak what I'm reading. I can listen to someone say something in Korean and write it down. There is definately no better way to learn a language than with the Lord's help." His companion, Elder Hoffman is from Nashville, Tn. They get along really well. there six Elders in his District, 3 form SLC, 1 from Idaho, 1 from Georgia and his Companion from Tennessee. He asks that everyone use "dearelder.com" to send him letters. I just did and it's really easy and he'll get the letters the day after you send it. Here is his address at the MTC. Make sure you fill in his MTC mailbox#. His schedule is "crazy" and has his P-day on Tuesdays. He says "I'm doing just fine and I won't be coming home any time soon. Tell everybody I love them and I'll write as soon as I can."
Elder Reagan Jefferey Wing
2005 N. 900 E.
PROVO, UTAH 84604-1793
His estimated departure date for Korea is May 18th.
Elder Reagan Jefferey Wing
2005 N. 900 E.
PROVO, UTAH 84604-1793
His estimated departure date for Korea is May 18th.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
And He's Off!
Well, he's gone! Reagan entered the MTC on Wednesday. I know that this post is a few days later, but things have been kind of crazy. He was so ready to go! Cortney, Donovan and Elinor weren't able to come with us, but the rest of the family was there. It was organized chaos when we got there(probably exactly what ever Wednesday at the MTC is like). We got his luggage checked and headed to get him all checked in.
That's our missionary!
We had a few minutes until the meeting started so we joined the crowds of people and took some final family pictures.
Reagan is laughing in this one cause Lucy was dancing like a crazy woman.

We all thought this was pretty funny. Even going into the MTC, the separation begins! The sign says "New Missionaries Here" and there was another sign for "Family and Friends".
There he is with his badge and "Dork-Dot" as John calls it. It was so cool. His badge was in Korean. We all thought it was pretty nifty. After this point, we weren't allowed to take pictures so I'll just have to tell you what happened. We got to the chapel and waited for all of the new missionaries and families so the meeting could start. The MTC President, his wife, and a member of the Seventy that was there to drop off his daughter all spoke. After they spoke, a short movie on missionary work and the MTC was played and that was it. Everyone kind of looked around when the lights came on like "What do we do now?" Next thing I knew, Elder Wing was standing there waiting to gives hugs and be on his way. He was so ready to go! He quickly, and when I say quickly, I mean QUICKLY, gave out hugs and the he said "Well, see ya!" and was off. I think he was the first missionary out the door. He warned us that he was going to make it quick, but I didn't think that quick. Classic Reagan.
So all is well as far as we know! We haven't gotten any calls yet, so we figure he's ok. We look forward to his first letter or email next week and I'll be sure to post it!

So all is well as far as we know! We haven't gotten any calls yet, so we figure he's ok. We look forward to his first letter or email next week and I'll be sure to post it!
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Farewell!
So Sunday was Reagan's farewell. It went so well!! Reagan gave a very good and moving talk on the importance of temple attendance. I am always amazed at what this kid comes up with. He is always able to have a perfect blend of humor and spirituality. I'm going to keep this post somewhat short, seeing as there are so many pictures! It was just an all around good day filled with friends and family! It was so nice to see all of the people that love and support Reagan and are just as proud of him as we are.

We also wanted to give Reagan's MTC address to everyone! Here you go!

Elder Reagan Jeffrey Wing
Korea Seoul West Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604
Thanks to everyone who came and showed your love and support! 2 days !!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Elder Wing...About a week to go!
Hello Everyone! This is Casey, Reagan's older sister. Reagan asked me to head up this blog for him while he is on his mission. As you can see, he made the first official post, but from here on out, I will be posting. The purpose of this blog is for friends and family to be able to keep updated while Reagan is serving.
He has been called to serve in the Seoul South Korea West Mission and reports to the MTC for 12 weeks on Feb. 25th, 2008. Reagan is very excited and ready to serve but obviously nervous for the language he has to learn. Korean is said to one of the most difficult languages to learn. But if anyone can do it, Reagan can.
We, his family, are so excited for him to go! Although it is also very bittersweet. We love him and he is always the life of the party. Those of you who know Reagan can agree with me when I say the house and family gatherings will be much quieter with him gone;).
Since it's techinically not called a "farewell" anymore, I also just wanted to get on here and let everyone know about Reagan's "talk in sacrament meeting" coming up. It will be this Sunday, February 22nd, at 10:20. The address is:
10375 S Leilani Dr.
Sandy, UT 84094
Be sure to get there on time because seats will fill quickly I'm sure. Reagan is a stud and lots of people are planning on coming. So come show your love and support for Elder Wing and join us afterward for some treats and food at the Wing home:
10069 S Mount View Dr.
Sandy, UT 84094
Thanks everyone and hope to see you there!!
He has been called to serve in the Seoul South Korea West Mission and reports to the MTC for 12 weeks on Feb. 25th, 2008. Reagan is very excited and ready to serve but obviously nervous for the language he has to learn. Korean is said to one of the most difficult languages to learn. But if anyone can do it, Reagan can.
We, his family, are so excited for him to go! Although it is also very bittersweet. We love him and he is always the life of the party. Those of you who know Reagan can agree with me when I say the house and family gatherings will be much quieter with him gone;).
Since it's techinically not called a "farewell" anymore, I also just wanted to get on here and let everyone know about Reagan's "talk in sacrament meeting" coming up. It will be this Sunday, February 22nd, at 10:20. The address is:
10375 S Leilani Dr.
Sandy, UT 84094
Be sure to get there on time because seats will fill quickly I'm sure. Reagan is a stud and lots of people are planning on coming. So come show your love and support for Elder Wing and join us afterward for some treats and food at the Wing home:
10069 S Mount View Dr.
Sandy, UT 84094
Thanks everyone and hope to see you there!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
My name is Reagan Jeffrey Wing and I like to party. I am crazy attractive and love to serve the Lord. Basically I'm a keeper :) I enjoy a nice pair of slacks and have a collection of leather books...haha but seriously I LOVE doing anything active especially if my friends are involved. I love hanging out with my family and joking around with them......The end
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